In 2016, six projects obtained funding from the PM-18 call on Big Data and Public Health Policies.
The six consortia represent different ideas of big data and public health policies.
- IASIS: How Big Data can pave the way for personalised diagnosis and treatments for #Dementia #Alzheimer’s #LungCancer
- MIDAS: Connecting patient data from European health authorities with individual data collected from apps, sensors and social media
- CrowdHEALTH: Integration of high volumes health-related data for supporting policy making decisions
- BigO: Reduction of obesity rates in children by collecting and analyzing big data on children’s behavioural patterns and their environment
- EVOTION: Big Data Supporting Public Hearing Health Policies
- PULSE: Engage in a collaborative dialogue with a range of stakeholders across five global cities to transform public health from a reactive to a predictive system focused on both risk and resilience
To share experiences and different approaches all partners from the different projects get together to hear about the other projects.
The first time all project met virtually was on the 18 January 2018. Next 11 July 2018, all projects will meet again in Athens, and the Symposium is receiving great attention with two Greek Ministers participating and many other high level officials and scientists in the domain.
Agenda is available here