
Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare and research

​ This briefing note examines the current and potential applications of AI in healthcare, its limits, and the ethical issues arising from its use .Overview AI is being used or trialled for a range of healthcare and research purposes, including detection of disease, management of chronic conditions, delivery of health services, and drug discovery. AI has the

Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare and research Read More »

Why is US healthcare so bad at behavior change? Sutter Health’s CIO explains

Human beings don’t always make rational decisions, physicians included. Time and again, people base decisions on psychological, social, cognitive and emotional factors instead of rational thinking. People tend to participate in organ donation when it’s the default option as opposed to something they must sign up for. They are more likely to pay their taxes

Why is US healthcare so bad at behavior change? Sutter Health’s CIO explains Read More »

PRESS RELEASE15 May 2018 EU Leaders’ meeting in Sofia: completing a trusted Digital Single Market for the benefit of all

EU Leaders’ meeting in Sofia: completing a trusted Digital Single Market for the benefit of all 2 minutes ago   (0 Comments) Posted by: Heather Smith Share|  Ahead of the entry into application of the General Data Protection Regulation, the European Commission has presented a set of concrete actions that European leaders can take to protect citizens’

PRESS RELEASE15 May 2018 EU Leaders’ meeting in Sofia: completing a trusted Digital Single Market for the benefit of all Read More »

PULSE consortium meeting in Belgrade and 1st pilot site launching in Barcelona!

        The consortium of the PULSE project (Participatory Urban Living for Sustainable Environments) has met in Belgrade on 4 and 5th of May in order to progress the development of its solutions for health and wellbeing in 5 major cities: Barcelona, New-York, Singapore, Birmingham and Paris. It has been the opportunity to

PULSE consortium meeting in Belgrade and 1st pilot site launching in Barcelona! Read More »